Please choose your answers using the following scale:
1 - Strongly Agree;
2 - Agree;
n/a - Not Applicable;
Please choose your answers using the following scale:
1 - Strongly Agree;
2 - Agree;
3 - Disagree;
4 - Strongly Disagree;
n/a - Not Applicable;
Please choose your answers using the following scale:
1 - Strongly Agree;
2 - Agree;
3 - Disagree;
n/a - Not Applicable;
My child feels safe at school
My child makes good progress
My child is well looked after
My child receives appropriate homework
Students/pupils are well behaved
The school deals with bullying effectively
The school is well led and managed
The school responds well to concerns
I receive valuable information from the school
School communications are timely and relevant
I would recommend this school